You can view or update MSI Installer files without re-building them using MSI Viewer and Technet MSI Explorer. MSI Viewer allows you to view the contents of MSI installer files. MSI Explorer lets you analyze the MSI and give the details of it along with the capability of updating it without rebuilding it.

MSI Viewer

MSI Viewer is a Microsoft Store app that allows you to view the contents of MSI installer files and merge modules with this app, and extract them without needing to run the installer. View MSI files by launching the app, or by right-clicking an MSI file in File Explorer and choosing “Open in MSI Viewer”.

Technet MSI Explorer

For.NET developers, Visual Studio presents a lot of features in creating setup and deployment projects for your application. But, there are no built-in tools in Visual Studio to look into the MSI contents. Even if you make a small change in MSI, it requires rebuilding the entire Setup Project. MSI Explorer lets you analyze the MSI and give the details of it along with the capability of updating it without rebuilding it. Features:

It allows us to look into the contents of the MSI.It allows us to export the contents of the MSI.It allows us to update commonly changing properties without rebuilding it.Easy to use UI.Now, Updating an MSI is quite simple.

For more information and download visit Technet.

View or update MSI Installer files using MSI Viewer and Explorer - 19View or update MSI Installer files using MSI Viewer and Explorer - 4