TDR is present in Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7 and Windows Vista. TDR attempts to detect problematic situations and recover to a functional desktop dynamically.

Timeout Detection and Recovery (TDR)

According to MSDN, the TDR processes are:

Display driver stopped responding and has recovered

The most common error message you might find is “Display driver stopped responding and has recovered” – also you might also get BSOD with the stop code Bug Check 0x116: VIDEO_TDR_ERROR.

There are a few things that you could do to fix it.

Check your Memory i.e. RAM. If your RAM is failing on you, it’s quite possible that this is what is causing your Display to crash. Check our article on how to run Memory Diagnostic Advanced Memory Diagnostic with Memtest86+. Also, check if the timing and voltage of the RAM are set correctly in your BIOS refer to your Motherboard and RAM manual.Overclocking your GPU could cause this problem. So if your Overclocking resets the values to default settings and then test it and see if that fixes your problem.Corrupted or Bad display drivers. If your display driver is corrupted there is a very good chance it might be crashing your display. Most of the time just uninstalling and reinstalling it will not resolve your problem. We have to do a complete Driver Cleanup. You can use NVIDIA and ATL Cards Driver Cleanup.The other reason is Overheating. While playing games or working with software that uses GPU, your Display card might become extremely hot and cause the drivers to crash – and end up crashing the whole system. Use RivaTuner to determine if your display card is overheating. Try to adjust the fan settings and see if that makes any difference. If not I would recommend taking it to a Computer Repair shop and having them clean the tower to rule out any dust-related issue. The next reason could be insufficient power or a bad PSU. Your Display card needs enough power to function properly and if it does not get enough power, then the card will misbehave. Use a Power Supply Calculator and determine you have enough juice to run the system.  If you have enough juice to run the system then take it to the Computer Repair shop and have them test it with a different PSU.For advanced users, there are methods to enable debugging in the Windows registry.If all if these steps failed then more likely you have a bad display card. If it’s still under warranty send it for replacement.

Hope these steps helped you in resolving TDR-related errors. If you know any additional steps do share them with us.