TaskDock for Windows PC

Create an empty folder in your Documents folder, say MTTB. Next right-click on the taskbar and unlock it. Again right-click on it and select Toolbar > New toolbar. Select the empty folder MTTB. Now right click on the new toolbar and uncheck Show Text and Show Title. Next drag it (dotted separator) to the left side, between the start orb and taskbar icons and release it. Center-align the taskbar icons. Lock the taskbar. That’s it! I also recently came across this nice little app called TaskDock, which does something similar and pretty efficiently too!

TaskDock gives the Windows Taskbar a bit more of a dock-like feel. It will center and re-adjust the Tasks area of the taskbar, centering it, expanding and contracting with new apps and old apps, as they are created and terminated. To exit the app right-click on its icon is located in the system tray, a green orb with a circle around it. Right-click on it – it has only one option, that is EXIT. Give it some time, and it will restore your taskbar to how it should be. You can download it here. This is a portable tool, so it doesn’t require installation. To uninstall it, simply delete the program folder.